Friday, May 28, 2010

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

The book I am reading is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.I love this book so much that i will continue reading this summer. Why can't they make more series book like this book.The culture was the slavery in long time I don't know when because they didn't give the date. The main Character is Tom Sawyer beacuse Mark Twain talks about him through out the book. The antigonist is Huckelberr Finno because he is always getting into trouble. The hook is to tell you a little about the story and to make you think about the story. Huckelberry get people into trouble a lot and he is always fighting alot. tom Sawyer tries to do the right thing. They blamed someone elese instead of Tom Sawyer. He finally tell the truth in front of the court room. I like this book beacuse it's a lot of the history and it is good for children. If your children loves history this is a good book.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Trail of Tears

The Trail of Tears
The Trail of Tears was a removal of act 1830. The members of the Indians traveled East to West of the Mississippi River to their new homeland. Many of the Indians died on the way. Only a few thousands made it and the rest of them got ill and died. They suffered from disease, exposure, and starvation. They were starving, they were in the cold, and they went a lot of heat and bad weather. They were removed from their homes. They were from the East of the Americans. They were fighting a lot and a lot of died people. The trail of tears came from Andrew Jackson. The Indians was treated very bad. The entire Indians walk and none of the Indians rode a horse. Only 46,000 Indians were traveling through the Mississippi River to their new horrible homes.

Friday, May 14, 2010

similes and meterphores

i got this information from flickr.comMr. Robert’s mouth tightened like a rope pulled taut.

From Dean Forbes

Madam ran me like a donkey all the next day, and then demanded that I stay awake all night to make rolls for breakfast because the bakers in town ere rebels, and they had held.

From pmarkham

Two for one, us sold like bolts of faded cloth or chipped porridge bowls.

From doug88888

A fading yellow bruise circled her right wrist like a bracelet.

From KWDesigns

Made Momma cries herself to sleep at night.

From Michael...

I promised momma I would take care of Ruthe.

From Wonderlane

I tried to bury the remembery, but it kept floating to the top of my mind like a cork in a stormy sea, foolish tears spilled over.

From Fergal OP

Thursday, May 6, 2010


The title of this book is Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson
It took place at Rhode Island in Boston in 1776. The life like in the story is slavery. The main character is Isabel because they talk about her all through the story. She encourages the people in the slavery. The antagonist is Mrs. Lockton because she would take the anger out on Isabel because her husband wanted to leave her. The hook is the author tells you about the story. She gets you involved in her life. She tries to leave and tries to get Ruthe the back. She tries to escape the slavery to try to find Ruthe but they try to find Isabel and hang her because she is a runaway slave. When you’re a slave and if you runway you will be hanged. She decides to stay at Boston or try to escape and find Ruthe. The theme is the human slaves. I love to read about the slaves and back time even though this book is very boring. I have learned that don’t trust slaves because they can get you killed if you’re a runaway slave.